Saturday, June 20, 2020
/“Green 18”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Lateral Hops
DB Hang Power Snatch
Mountain Climbers
DB Plank Row (Alternate Every 5 Reps)
* 1:00 6” Hold After Each Round Including The Finish “
“Green 18”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Lateral Hops
DB Hang Power Snatch
Mountain Climbers
DB Plank Row (Alternate Every 5 Reps)
* 1:00 6” Hold After Each Round Including The Finish “
“ Hot Route “
OTM x 25
1) Max Rounds of “Baby DT”
2) :50 Side Plank Left
3) Max Strength Burpees
4) :50 Side Plank Right
5) Rest
“Baby DT”
4 Single Arm DL
3 SA Hang Power Cleans
2 SA Shoulder To Overhead
* Alternate Arms Each Full Complex *
“ Blue 42 “
10 HR Push-Ups
20 Plank Pull Throughs
30 Goblet Squats
200m Odd Object Run
“ Drain-O ”
30 DU
3 V-Ups + 3 SA OH Lunges
30 DU
6 V-Ups + 6 SA OH Lunges
30 DU
9 V-Ups + 9 SA OH Lunges
* Continue to add 3 reps to the V-Ups and OH Lunges per round *
“Tollbooth Willy”
For Time
125 Lateral Burpees Over Object
* EMOM (Including the start) = 5 SDLHP *
- Athletes may use a barbell, DB, KB, Loaded Bag -
- THEN -
Coaches Choice Buy-Out
“ The Flash “
For Time:
30 SA Squat Clean Thrusters
800m Run
30 SA Squat Clean Thrusters
DB RX = 50/35
Barbell Option RX = 95/65
“ Air Head ”
For Time:
75 Abmat Sit-Ups
- Into -
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers (L+R=1)
Odd Object SA Swings
- Into -
75 Abmat Sit-Ups
- Do your own research
- Read anti-racist articles & educate yourself
- If you are on Instagram follow @rachel.cargle @ckyourprivilege @nowhitesaviors @decolonizing_fitness
- THEN -
“ Big Floyd “
For Time:
800m Run
25 Deadlifts + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Squat Cleans + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Push Presses + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Clusters + 25 Burpees
800m Run
- THEN -
-Vote in your local elections, learn, listen, and discuss
-Make sure to tag any posts with #BigFloydWod #BlackPowerCleans
- If you are on Instagram follow and donate to @Blacklivesmatter @Slyviariveralawproject @blackvisioncollective
“ Steel Casket ”
On The Minute Until Failure…
Min 1) 1 Thruster + 1 Burpee
Min 2) 2 Thrusters + 2 Burpees
Min 3) 3 Thrusters + 3 Burpees
Min 4) 4 Thrusters + 4 Burpees
Min 5) 5 Thrusters + 5 Burpees….
* Continue to add 1 rep to each movement until failure *
“ Simon Says “
3 Rounds For Time:
800m Run
50 Jumping Lunges
1:00 Side Plank Left
1:00 Side Plank Right
“ Super Smash Brothers “
OTM x 30
1) Max SA Devils Press
2) Max Abmat Sit-Ups
3) Max Air Squats
4) Max Double Unders
5) Rest
“ Quack “
3 Rounds For Time::
400m Run
21 Front Squats (115/85, Odd Object)
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (115/85, Odd Object Row)
“ Slider ”
For Time
3 Rounds of
200m Run
10 Hang DB Clean And Jerks (Alternating)
10 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups
- Into -
2 Rounds of
400m Run
20 Hang DB Clean and Jerks (Alternating)
20 Russian Twists ( L + R = 1 )
- Into -
1 Round of
800m Run
40 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (Alternating)
40 Plank Pull Throughs ( L + R = 1 )
“ King Push ”
2 Rounds for Max Reps
10 Burpees
20 Jump Squats
- 1 Min Rest -
10 Burpees
20 Jump Squats
Max HR Push-Ups
- 1 Min Rest -
10 Burpees
20 Jump Squats
Max Push-Ups
- Rest 1 Min -
“ Polar “
For Time:
100-80-60-40-20 Lateral Hops
50-40-30-20-10 SA DB OH Lunges
* 200m Run After Each Round *
“ Shepherd’s Pie ”
30 SA DB Hang Squat Cleans (15 R / 15 L)
15 Abmat Sit-Ups
30 SA DB Push Press (15 R / 15 L)
15 Burpee Kickbacks
“ Death By 10 Meters “
For As long as possible (20min Cap)
Max 10m Shuttle Sprints
Minute 1 = 1 Length
Minute 2 = 2 Lengths
Minute 3 = 3 Lengths
Minute 4 = 4 Lengths
* Continue to add 1 length every minute until you are unable to complete all of the required work within the minute. Each length will be 10 meters / 30 feet. *
“ Bargain Bin ”
25 Rounds For Time:
3 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
5 Hand Release Push-Ups
7 Jump Squats
“ To And Fro “
For Time:
800m Run
40 Odd Object Thrusters
100 Double Unders
40 Odd Object Thrusters
800m Run
“ Green Eggs And Ham ”
For Time:
30 Burpees Over DB
30 Single Arm DB Swings (Eye Level) Right
60 Lateral Hops Over DB
30 Single Arm DB Swings (Eye Level) Left
60 Lateral Hops Over DB
30 DB Front Rack Step Back Lunges
60 Lateral Hops Over DB
30 DB Front Rack Lunges
30 Burpees Over DB