What is a WOD?
WOD = Workout Of the Day.

What does Rx mean?
Rx refers to the prescribed WOD.

What does RFT mean?
RFT = Rounds (or Reps) For Time.

What is an AMRAP?
AMRAP = As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible.

Does every class do the same WOD each day?
Yes. Kind of. The CrossFit classes all do the same workout and the SWEAT classes all do the same workout. Weather permitting.

Do I have to choose a class time and stick with it?
No, you are free to take any class at any time.

What does “scale” mean?
“Scale” means to scale back the workload, or modify the movements. Virtually everyone that starts scales their weights and movements as they become more experienced. We stress the importance of scaling workouts until you feel absolutely comfortable with the movements and the technique that it requires to do them successfully on a consistent basis.

Fitness requires a checking of egos at the door. Don’t worry about the person next to you. Don’t worry about doing everything perfectly. Make sure you have the opportunity to walk in and out of our doors injury-free. There’s plenty of time to get stronger and fitter. Commit to getting better at one thing (no matter how small) every time you walk into The Swamp, and we guarantee a year from now, you’ll be shocked at your progress.

What if I can’t do the workout as prescribed?
Prescribed, or Rx, can certainly be a goal of yours but it should by no means be a point of stress for you. You do what you can do, and you don’t worry about anyone else. This sustainable programming approach will keep you happy and healthy but always serve as a goal-setting mechanism in your development.

Do I need experience or need to be fit to start?
No. One of the most amazing things about the type of fitness we do at The Swamp is that it is universally scalable. You start where you start. Every WOD can be modified. Our goal is to get you fit faster than you would on your own. By modifying your workouts (weights and movements), we can still provide you with a high intensity workout that will keep you safe and put you in a position to be successful in every class that you attend. This does not require a universal fitness level – anyone can do this.

What are your membership options?
We offer several service options (fitness, nutrition, and accountability) to meet the individual needs of our clients. To learn more, book and appointment to meet with us by clicking HERE.

Is there any limit on the amount of times you can attend classes?
No; however, is critical that you take advantage of rest days to allow your body to recover. Overtraining is the single-biggest contributor to injury.

How often should I train?
We recommend training two to three days in a row, followed by one day of rest. This will maximize your results and ensure proper recovery for your body. However, as mentioned above, we have a strict rule of training no more than three days in a row.

Are there any discounts?
Yes, 20% for students, military and all first responders. 10% for couples and/or families of 2 or more. No other discounts are offered and these discounts are only offered for the monthly membership. We do not offer discounts on Foundations.

Do you issue refunds?
No, we do not issue refunds unless it is a billing mistake on our end. For example, if your monthly membership bills on a certain date, and then you come to us one day later to tell us that you are canceling your membership, we are not issuing a refund. However, if you come to us on a certain date 72+ hours before your billing date to cancel your membership, but you are billed anyways, we will absolutely refund you the charges.

How do I get started?
Read this. We encourage you to walk in and check out the facility but please try to come in during non-class times. We want to meet you, but our first priority is the safety of and attention to our current athletes.

Do you offer personal training?
Yes. $75/hour with coaches Paddy, Mike, and Anne. 

Do you offer other classes aside from CrossFit?
We offer fitness group classes and SWEAT/bootcamp classes (no barbell). If you find you want more training and/or volume, come talk to us and we can work with you to meet your goals. 

Am I going to get bulky?
Our goal is to provide you with world-class programming that will allow you to burn fat and increase lean muscle mass. In order to get “bulky” you need to be very heavy on the weight training, and we will only be doing heavy weight training 1-3 times per week. Although weight training is a major component of the type of fitness we do at The Swamp, it is still only a component. Regardless of your goals (lose weight, get stronger, stop smoking, become an elite athlete, etc.), our programming model will allow you to achieve what you are trying to do. And if for some reason you are not reaching your goals, please come talk to us. We are here to help you.