Mike Dudevoir, Co-Owner & Coach


I am a Swampscott native that has always had a deep passion for competitive sports, having enjoyed success playing soccer, baseball and basketball growing up. Not only did I love the actual competition, but I also loved the fact that I formed so many friendships through sports, many of which I still have today. I got into CrossFit at age 35 and I am in better shape now than I was when I was playing college soccer 15+ years ago. I feel like an athlete again. I realized immediately that not only was CrossFit the most efficient training method to achieve measurable results, but also a social, supportive community that pushes people to improve every single day.

Being part of the CrossFit community is a special experience and at CrossFit The Swamp we take providing that experience very seriously. I am excited to provide people with an environment that challenges them to push their physical and mental boundaries every day. As co-owner and coach my number one goal is to keep our athletes safe, and make sure they have the opportunity to walk in and out of our doors injury-free.

Being committed to changing your lifestyle is difficult. I get it. But the reward is immeasurable. The thing that I love most about CrossFit is the mental strength that it builds. It resonates in every aspect of your life and makes you a better person because of it. It has changed my life and I am grateful every day for the opportunity to sweat alongside some of the best people I have ever met.

CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Mobility Trainer
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified
USA Weightlifting Level 1 Certification
Chad Vaughn Weightlifting Seminar (December, 2012)
Don McCauley Catapult Weightlifting (November, 2013)

1995 Taft School
1999 Trinity College – BA in Anthropology

Athletic Achievements
4-year starter, 2-year captain, 2-year team MVP and 2-year All-NESCAC defenseman on Trinity College Men’s Soccer team

Paddy Boscoe, Head Coach


When something changes your life in a positive way it is only natural to want to share that experience with others in hopes that it will impact them in the same way. For me Crossfit gave me that experience and it was only natural from that point forward that I made it a goal to share it with others.

Growing up in a military family and moving around frequently, athletics and sport were my main way of connecting with others whether I was living in the US or overseas in Germany. Sports were universal and were always a part of my life. Throughout high school and college I maintained being a three-sport athlete mainly for the thrill of competition and the community that followed being part of a sports team.

After graduating from Salem State University there was a void, a hole that needed to be filled, but at the time I wasn’t sure what could possibly fulfill my need to compete and be a part of something bigger. Enter CrossFit. CrossFit has taught me to physically and mentally challenge myself but more importantly it has made me a part of a community like no other.

As a coach my motto is simple: my goal is to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are attempting to compete, lose weight, get healthy enough to play with your children – whatever the case, I want to make that a reality. I love people, fitness and being a part of that moment that someone achieves something they never thought they could.

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Mobility Trainer
USA Weightlifting Level 1 Certification

2010 Salem State University – BS in Sports Movement Science

Athletic Achievements
4-year soccer, 4-year lacrosse, 2-year track athlete, Men’s Soccer captain

Anne Moore, Coach


When I walked through the doors of The Swamp last November I had no idea what to expect, but I was ready for a challenge and to embark on something outside of my comfort zone. Growing up I was a competitive swimmer, and played tennis and lacrosse. I loved being able to participate at a high level in many different sports. Lacrosse took me to Notre Dame where I was a starting center for the Division 1 Fighting Irish. For 4 years at school we were conditioned and trained to be the strongest and fastest athletes possible. I loved it. I loved my coaches and loved the training. I was an athlete and part of a team. But do you have to leave that behind after graduation? Ten years out of Notre Dame I began looking for something that I could feel passionate about and that it would stick, especially while raising two kids.

After I left ND I coached lacrosse and became a personal trainer, looking to help my clients fulfill personal goals both large and small. I loved working with people of all different ages and from all walks of life; people who were just looking to improve their overall health and fitness. They all had that in common, but the process lacked that feeling of community that I have experienced since joining The Swamp.

At The Swamp we are a family and a tight-knit community. I truly feel like an athlete again for the first time since leaving Notre Dame. I am doing things I haven’t done in 10 years, or had never done, and more importantly seeing results that I’ve never experienced. This stuff works! There’s an overwhelming support from our community before, during and after the WODs. We stick together and support each other, and I can’t imagine my life without it.

I truly care about every single athlete at The Swamp and love seeing them crush goals that they may have thought impossible. Everybody has something they are looking to accomplish when they walk through the door of our box, whether it’s large or small. My goal as a coach is to help them get there safely, and make a positive change in their lives.

CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

2003 University of Notre Dame – BA in Psychology

Colleen Sachar, Coach


It wasn't until Mike and Jenna opened the doors here at The Swamp in November of 2013 that I discovered CrossFit, and I never looked back. In addition to being a proud member of the first-ever Foundation class at The Swamp, I am also one of the first members to have been inducted into The Swamp's Hall of Fame "Committed Club"; which awards its members with a special kettlebell for having attended more than 15 classes a month for twelve consecutive months. 

Growing up and throughout high school, I was a competitive gymnast and played soccer until my senior year when I tore ligaments in my knee and had to undergo reconstructive surgery. I struggled with knee pain for years until soon after I started doing CrossFit; the pain in my knee has since disappeared. I still feel that I get stronger every single day! 

CrossFit introduced me to a whole new level of fitness. Now, I truly understand the high degree of hard work and dedication necessary to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle - and it is rewarding when you see the results of that effort both inside and out of the Box. I was thrilled to find something that is not only fun, but also effective. 

"I love the camaraderie and team atmosphere here at The Swamp. As an athlete, I look forward to every workout... even knowing it is going to kick my butt. The energy in the room during a workout is like no other - you just have to experience it! As a coach, I love seeing new members walk through the door to begin their CrossFit journey just as I once did, as much as I love seeing more experienced members progress and accomplish once unthinkable goals.”

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

2004 Salem State University - BS in Business Administration

Nick Markos, Coach


After months of hearing about how awesome CrossFit was, I finally decided to start my Crossfit journey in November of 2013 in Miami Lakes. Being a former college athlete, Crossfit was exactly what I was looking for in so many aspects of my life. Two weeks into my Crossfit career I traveled back home for Thanksgiving and dropped into this box that had recently opened called “The Swamp.” I immediately loved Crossfit so much more in such a short period because of the welcoming community, the positive attitudes, the camaraderie from perfect strangers and passion that I saw from the coaches and owners. 

Fast forward four and half years and after moving to back to the Boston area and settling in Swampscott with my family, I immediately knew what box I would be joining- The Swamp. My family immediately grew by each member I met. Not just the methodology of Crossfit but more so how the philosophy is applied by the Swamp Team has allowed me to become the healthiest and fittest version of myself. But more importantly I get to do this everyday with my extended family. 

When Mike had asked me to coach, it was one of most humbling moments of my life. Having coached both high school and college athletics and still having relationships with many of my former players, I immediately wanted to be a part of the Swamp team to impact our community in a way that many of my coaches have impacted me. 

“The days I train and coach to me are similar to how I approached games and practices as an athlete and a coach. The preparation, the nerves, the fear of letting my team or members down are constantly driving me to grow as a coach and as a person. I’m passionate about providing the best hour of our members’ days during my classes and to show them that the impossible is possible with drive, dedication, effort and grit. At the end of the day I am here for you and I’m honored to represent this community.”

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Bates College - BA Political Science
Endicott College - BA American Studies
Salem State - Masters of Arts in History
American College -EDs. in Education Leadership 

4-Year Starter Football, All Academic Second Team 

Ed Barrasso, Coach


Growing up I was always playing sports or doing something active with my friends and family. I grew up mainly playing ice hockey and lacrosse and when I got to college I continued playing lacrosse at school. I didn’t get into Crossfit until my sophomore year of college and coincidentally, this was also the same time I was at my heaviest, around 225 lbs. My girlfriend Tatiana introduced me to Crossfit Variance in Beverly, MA and although I was hesitant, I showed up and immediately fell in love. In one hour, I was told by the coaches what the workout was and what we had to do and by the end of that hour not only did I feel physically better, but mentally I felt amazing. Fast forward four years and in that time I lost 40 lbs., received my L1, and have had the opportunity to coach some amazing athletes both at Crossfit Variance and The Swamp.

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

University of Southern Maine - BS Heath Sciences
Northeastern University - Masters in Homeland Security w/a concentration in Emergency Management

Division 3 College Lacrosse Player - Senior Year Captain

Mike Hatzipetros, Coach


Being physically fit has been a part of my life since I was a teenager. Upon graduating high school, I joined the United States Marine Corps where I was pushed to the limit physically and mentally.  After the Marines I became a Police Officer.  As a Police Officer I was a SWAT Team member and later became a Sniper.  Being physically fit allowed me to carry extra tactical gear, without tiring or delaying my reaction time when decision making skills were needed.  As a Police Officer I was awarded a Life Saving Award as well as receiving The Officer of the Year Award. I have recently changed careers and became a Firefighter.  All of my career choices both past and present have demanded that I maintain a certain level of fitness, so that I can perform any task, safely and effectively, even under extreme fatigue.  This is especially important to me, as I am husband and father to three young children (5, 3, and 1.5)    

I first heard of CrossFit in 2006 and would try some variation of it at the gym I was going to; without much success.  Overtime my workouts grew old and became redundant.  A coworker told me about The Swamp and spoke very highly of it.  My first workout at The Swamp consisted of pull-ups, overhead squats, and burpees.  It challenged me and my idea of how fit I was.  I was time capped and the weight had to be lowered on the bar in the middle of the workout.  My ego was hurt.  Oddly enough, I loved that feeling and couldn’t wait to hit another workout.  From there, I embraced The Swamp and its methodology.  The Swamp allowed me to get out of my comfort zone.  I grew to love the grind of each workout,  the welcoming community, and specifically the fact in order to grow as an athlete in CrossFit, you needed to leave your ego at the door.

Coaching athletes through a workout and being able to make a difference in their lives for that hour of fitness, whether it be a coaching cue, or motivating them to push themselves, is really a great feeling.  I love helping athletes achieve their goals and becoming better versions of themselves.”

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Fred Callori Olympic Weightlifting Seminar 2017

Jenna Dudevoir, Co-Owner


Having grown up as a gymnast, then transitioning to a hurdler, softball and volleyball player in my teenage years, I was no stranger to exercise before I discovered CrossFit. I loved sweating and competing, and most of all, the feeling of finishing a tough workout. Eventually though, I was bored to tears with the various boot camps and kickboxing classes I’d been taking. When I first started CrossFit my hope was simply to get a more challenging workout and into better shape. I got all of that – and much, much more. I gained an entire community.

A community’s mission is the pursuit of excellence – about getting better, together. For the CrossFit community, CrossFit is not just about becoming fitter and healthier. It’s about becoming the best versions of ourselves. Each one of us is pursuing our own personal excellence, but we’re doing it together, next to one another, within the four walls of a sweaty warehouse.

CrossFit enables me to be a happier, saner and more balanced person. With two young kids and a demanding full-time job, it’s the one hour of my day where I’m thinking about nothing else but the workout. It’s the best brain break in the world! And, I am the most comfortable in my own skin than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I am excited to help our members achieve this the same way I did – by stepping out of old comfort zones, and into new ones where true growth happens.

2003 Boston College – BA in Communications