Saturday, June 20, 2020
/“Green 18”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Lateral Hops
DB Hang Power Snatch
Mountain Climbers
DB Plank Row (Alternate Every 5 Reps)
* 1:00 6” Hold After Each Round Including The Finish “
“Green 18”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Lateral Hops
DB Hang Power Snatch
Mountain Climbers
DB Plank Row (Alternate Every 5 Reps)
* 1:00 6” Hold After Each Round Including The Finish “
”Big Luck Of The Irish”
Establish 5 Minutes in a plank
- 10 Push-Ups every break
Establish 4 Minutes in a 6” hold
- 15 Abmat Sit-Ups every break
Establish 3 Minutes in a wall sit
- 10 Push-Ups every break
Snatch Skill
A) 5 x 3^ Snatch Balance (Moderate)
B) 5 x 2^ OHS (Moderate)
C) 5 x 1^ Snatch (Heavy)
- Then -
" Dig Dug "
5 RFT:
10 Unbroken OHS (Athlete Choice)
100ft Bear Crawl
12 Round Tabata (:20on / :10 Rest) for each of the following:
A) Calorie Row
B) HR Push-Ups / Ring Rows
C) Calorie Row
D) V-Ups / 6" Hold
** For B & D athletes will alternate between movements for 12 rounds **