Sunday, June 28, 2020
/“ Jasmine ”
For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
100 Air Squats
* Partition Reps as desired *
“ Jasmine ”
For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
100 Air Squats
* Partition Reps as desired *
“ Snow White “
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
30 SA DB Snatches
40 Abmat Sit-Ups
50 Double Unders
* The Outdoor Workout Will Be A Different Workout *
“ Mulan ”
A) 0:00 - 7:00
3 Rounds of:
20 SA DB Deadlifts
20 Jumping Lunges
- Then -
B) 7:00 - 14:00
2 Rounds of:
30 Goblet Squats
30 Jumping Lunges
- Then -
C) 14:00 - 21:00
40 SA Hang DB Squat Cleans
40 Jumping Lunges
“ Ariel ”
3 Rounds For Time:
800m Run
15 Burpees
30 Air Squats
* Outdoor Class Will Complete 750m Row *
“ Pocahontas ”
5 Rounds of
3 SA Devils Press
6 Push-Ups
9 Hollow Rocks
* Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds *
* * Pickup where you left off each round * *
A) “ Rapunzel “
4 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
35 Abmat Sit-Ups
B) Buy-Out
OTM x 9 (:50 of work / :10 of rest )
1) Wall Sit
2) Alternating Side Lunges (Weighted Optional)
3) Weighted Good Mornings
“ Hut, Hut, Hike “
For Time:
60-40-20 Double Unders
30-20-10 Odd Object S2OH
- Into -
60-40-20 Double Unders
30-20-10 V-Ups
- Into -
60-40-20 Double Unders
30-20-10 Odd Object Power Clean
“ Omaha “
For Time:
3 Rounds of
200m Run (Rest :30)
400m Run (Rest 1:00)
800m Run (Rest 2:00)
* Sunday’s Outdoor Classes will meet @ The Track *
“Green 18”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Lateral Hops
DB Hang Power Snatch
Mountain Climbers
DB Plank Row (Alternate Every 5 Reps)
* 1:00 6” Hold After Each Round Including The Finish “
“ Hot Route “
OTM x 25
1) Max Rounds of “Baby DT”
2) :50 Side Plank Left
3) Max Strength Burpees
4) :50 Side Plank Right
5) Rest
“Baby DT”
4 Single Arm DL
3 SA Hang Power Cleans
2 SA Shoulder To Overhead
* Alternate Arms Each Full Complex *
“ Blue 42 “
10 HR Push-Ups
20 Plank Pull Throughs
30 Goblet Squats
200m Odd Object Run
“ Drain-O ”
30 DU
3 V-Ups + 3 SA OH Lunges
30 DU
6 V-Ups + 6 SA OH Lunges
30 DU
9 V-Ups + 9 SA OH Lunges
* Continue to add 3 reps to the V-Ups and OH Lunges per round *
“Tollbooth Willy”
For Time
125 Lateral Burpees Over Object
* EMOM (Including the start) = 5 SDLHP *
- Athletes may use a barbell, DB, KB, Loaded Bag -
- THEN -
Coaches Choice Buy-Out
“ The Flash “
For Time:
30 SA Squat Clean Thrusters
800m Run
30 SA Squat Clean Thrusters
DB RX = 50/35
Barbell Option RX = 95/65
“ Air Head ”
For Time:
75 Abmat Sit-Ups
- Into -
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers (L+R=1)
Odd Object SA Swings
- Into -
75 Abmat Sit-Ups
- Do your own research
- Read anti-racist articles & educate yourself
- If you are on Instagram follow @rachel.cargle @ckyourprivilege @nowhitesaviors @decolonizing_fitness
- THEN -
“ Big Floyd “
For Time:
800m Run
25 Deadlifts + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Squat Cleans + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Push Presses + 25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Clusters + 25 Burpees
800m Run
- THEN -
-Vote in your local elections, learn, listen, and discuss
-Make sure to tag any posts with #BigFloydWod #BlackPowerCleans
- If you are on Instagram follow and donate to @Blacklivesmatter @Slyviariveralawproject @blackvisioncollective
“ Steel Casket ”
On The Minute Until Failure…
Min 1) 1 Thruster + 1 Burpee
Min 2) 2 Thrusters + 2 Burpees
Min 3) 3 Thrusters + 3 Burpees
Min 4) 4 Thrusters + 4 Burpees
Min 5) 5 Thrusters + 5 Burpees….
* Continue to add 1 rep to each movement until failure *
“ Simon Says “
3 Rounds For Time:
800m Run
50 Jumping Lunges
1:00 Side Plank Left
1:00 Side Plank Right
“ Super Smash Brothers “
OTM x 30
1) Max SA Devils Press
2) Max Abmat Sit-Ups
3) Max Air Squats
4) Max Double Unders
5) Rest
“ Quack “
3 Rounds For Time::
400m Run
21 Front Squats (115/85, Odd Object)
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (115/85, Odd Object Row)