Wednesday, April 29, 2020
3 RFT:
400m Run
15 Burpees
400m Run
15 Push-Ups
3 RFT:
400m Run
15 Burpees
400m Run
15 Push-Ups
" Black Iron "
22 Alternating Hang DB Snatch (50,35)
22 Abmat Sit-Ups
22 Alternating Hang C&J
22 Tuck Kick-Outs
OTM x 25:
1) Max Lateral Hops
2) Max Front Loaded Good Mornings
3) Max Jump Squats
4) Max Side Plank (:30 Right / :30 Left)
5) Rest
“ Zip Tie ”
1-2-3-4…Odd Object Ground To Overhead
2-3-4-5...Hand Release Push-Up
3-4-5-6..Abmat Sit-Ups
* Flow = Athlete will complete 1 Odd Object Ground To Overhead followed by Two Hand Release Push-Ups and then Complete the round with 3 Abmat Sit-Ups. Athletes will continue to add one rep to each movement per round for 14 minutes.
“ Four Four Forty “
400m Run
40 OH Lunges
400m Run
40 Plank Transfers
400m Run
40 Odd Object Squat Cleans
"Lockdown Benchmark"
On a 12:00 Clock
A) 21-15-9 of:
Odd Object Thrusters
Shoulder Taps (R+L=1)
* 75 Double Unders after each round *
- In Remaining Time -
B) Max Burpees Over Odd Object
" Asphalt Mixer "
On The 3:00 x 7 Rounds
400m Run
15 KBS
* Rest The Remaining Time *
“ Peking Duck ”
For Time:
10 Burpees
25 Shoulder Taps
- Into -
10 Burpees
25 Shoulder Taps
50 Lunges (25 Each Leg)
- Into -
10 Burpees
25 Shoulder Taps
50 Lunges
75 Russian Twists
- Into -
10 Burpees
25 Shoulder Taps
50 Lunges
75 Russian Twists
100 Air Squats
"Peaky Blinders"
OTM x 20 (5 Rounds )
A) Max Reps of 1 Burpee + 3 DB Lateral Hop Overs
B) Max Reps of DB Hang Snatches
C) Max Hollow Rocks
D) Rest
“ S.Y.L.B. #3 ”
For time:
50 dumbbell deadlifts (50x2 / 35x2)
50 Abmat sit-ups
50 box step-ups (24,20)
50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters (50,35)
** Time cap: 20 minutes **
" Caged Tiger Blood "
3 RFT:
20 Odd Object Ground To Overhead
400m Run
" Firewall "
10 Push-Ups
15 Abmat Sit-Ups
20 Jumping Lunges
"Triple Double"
For Time:
21-15-9 of:
SA Alternating Devils Press
Russian Twists (L+R=1)
- Into -
21-15-9 of:
Lateral DB Over Burpees
Over Unders (L+R = 1)
- Into -
21-15-9 of:
Alternating DB Snatch
Plank Pull Throughs
"Carole Baskin"
For Time:
50 Single Arm DB Thrusters (25R / 25L)
50 Single Arm OH Lunges (25R / 25L)
400m Run
* We will provide run alternatives for this workout *
" Tap Tap Tapparoo "
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-Ups
10-20-30-40-50 Shoulder Taps
* 10 Burpees to finish each round *
"Commander In Chief"
5 Rounds of
3 SA Odd Object Deadlifts
6 SA Odd Object Swings
9 Jump Squats
* Rest 1:00 Between Rounds *
** Only count full rounds **
" Def Leppard "
2 V-Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
4 V-Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
6 V-Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
* 8-8-40 / 10-10-40 / 12-12-40...Continue to add 2 reps per round until the twenty minute mark *
“S.Y.L.B #2”
For time:
100 double-unders
21 burpees
75 double-unders
15 burpees
50 double-unders
9 burpees
" Good Vibes Only "
60 DB Hang Cleans (Alternate 15's)
40 Front Rack Step Back Lunges
200m Run
40 Hollow Rocks
60 DB Rows ( Alternate 15's)
RX = 50/35
— There will be a non running scale available —
“UIM # 6”
For Time:
150 Single-arm Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Lateral Burpees Over-the-Dumbbell
Time-cap: 16min
M: 50 lb. dumbbell
F: 35 lb. dumbbell