Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

“ Marina Bay “ (All Classes)
4 Rounds of:
PICK TWO of the following for time
400m Run
500m Row
1000m Bike
* Rest 3:00 After Each Round *

Athletes may choose any combination of two movements for time. This will play to the tune of “Boat Race” and each round should be a sprint. Athletes may choose to complete the same couplet each round or mix it up every time….the options are endless and so is the fitness!

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Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

A) Power Snatch Complex
On The :90 x 6 Rounds
- 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch
- THEN -
” Christabel “
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
12 Power Snatches (135,95)
21 Box Jumps (24,20)

500m Row or 400m Run
20 Alternating DB Power Snatches
20 Box jumps
1:00 Wall-Sit

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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Saturday, September 5, 2020

“ Hot Pursuit “ (All Classes)
In a 4:00 WIndow:
500/400m Row
10 Power Cleans (155,105)
Max Bar Over Burpees
- Rest 2:00 -
In a 4:00 Window:
15 Bar Over Burpees
10 Power Cleans (155,105)
Max Meter Row
- Rest 2:00 -

* * SWEAT will complete DB Double Power Cleans and Burpees Over The DB * *

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday, September 3, 2020

“ Road Warrior “
30 Power Snatches (75,55)
1,000m Bike or 500m Row (Athletes Choice)
30 Power Snatches (95,65)
1,000m Bike or 500m Row (Athletes Choice)
30 Power Snatches (115,85)
1,000m Bike or 500m Row (Athletes Choice)
30 Power Snatches (135,95)
1,000m Bike or 500m Row (Athletes Choice)
AMRAP Power Snatches @ 155/105

30 DB Snatches (Alternating)
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
1,000m Bike or 500m Row (Athletes Choice)

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

“ Professor Ratigan “
For Time:
500m Row
50 Wallballs (20,14)
350m Row
35 Wallballs
200m Row
20 Wallballs

Midline Buy-Out
3-Point Plank (OTM x8 = :40on / :20off)
Min 1) Right Arm Up
Min 2) Right Leg Up
Min 3) Left Leg Up
Min 4) Left Arm Up

100m Row
10 Wall Balls
200m Row
20 Wall Balls
300m Row
30 Wall balls….
* Continue to add 100m to each row and 10 wall balls to each round until time is reached *
SWEAT will perform the same midline buy-out

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Thursday, December 5, 2019 !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH ANNE !!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019  !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH ANNE !!!!

A) Thruster Complex
Establish a heavy complex of:
1 Push Press + 1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster (From The Rack)
- THEN -
B) “ Rose DeWitt Bukater “
3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Thrusters (95,65)
21 Box Jumps (24,20)

500m Row / 1000m Bike (Choice)
20 Sumo KB Deadlift
20 KB Swings
20 Box Jumps

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

“ Tea Party ” (ALL CLASSES)
3 Rounds of
In A 6 Minute Window:
500m Row
12 Burpees
Max Reps of Athletes Choice Movement
* Rest 3:00 After Each Round *

Athletes will be able to choose what movements they would like to complete for reps within the 6 Minute window. This can be used as an opportunity to develop a skill, prep for any Open 20.5 Guesses, or perform a movement you have not done in a while.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"Old Faithful"
Teams of 2
6 x 4:00 Rounds of:
1) Partner 1 = 500m Row / Partner 2 In Remaining Time = Max Thrusters (95/65)
2) Partner 2 = 500m Row / Partner 1 In Remaining Time = Max Thrusters (95/65)
3) Partner 1 = 500m Row / Partner 2 In Remaining Time = Max Bar Over Burpees
4) Partner 2 = 500m Row / Partner 1 In Remaining Time = Max Bar Over Burpees
5) Partner 1 = 500m Row / Partner 2 In Remaining Time = Max Thrusters (95/65)
6) Partner 2 = 500m Row / Partner 1 In Remaining Time = Max Thrusters (95/65)
* Rest 1 Minute Between Each Round *
* Score = Total Thrusters Combined / Total Burpees (2 Scores) *

500m Row / 1,000m Assault Bike
20 DB Thrusters
500m Row / 1,000m Assault Bike
20 Burpees To Target

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A) Skill
EMOM x 9:
1) Rig Option
2) Double Unders
3) Midline Option
- Then -
B) “ Team Boat Race ”
Teams of 2
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
*Partner 1 completes both row and run then partner 2 goes*
** Both athletes completing the row/run = 1 round **

5 Minute Row
5 Minute Bike
- 5 Minute Rest -
3 Minute Row
3 Minute Bike
- 3 Minute Rest -
1 Minute Row
1 Minute Bike

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A) Pause Back Squats
5 x 2^ (7-Second Descent + 3 Second pause in bottom)
- THEN -
B) Rowing
In Teams of 2:
100m Row
200m Row
300m Row
400m Row
500m Row
* One partner works while one partner rests, both athletes hit each distance *

On The :90 x 5 Rounds
A) 50ft Shuttle Sprints
B) AMRAP: 7 HR Push-Ups + 7 Air Squats
C) Max Distance Row
D) Rest

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