Sunday, February 23, 2020
/“ Fused “ (All Classes)
5 Rounds for Max Reps:
1:00 Max Calorie Row
1:00 Max HR Push-Ups
1:00 Max DB Step Overs
1:00 Max Hollow Rocks
1:00 Rest
“ Fused “ (All Classes)
5 Rounds for Max Reps:
1:00 Max Calorie Row
1:00 Max HR Push-Ups
1:00 Max DB Step Overs
1:00 Max Hollow Rocks
1:00 Rest
“ Swamp Total “
A) 1 RM Front Squat
B) 1 RM Push Press
C) 2 Min Max Cal Row
5 Rounds of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15/12 Calorie Bike
- Max 25ft Shuttle Sprints
* Rest 4:00 Between Rounds *
3 Rounds:
A) Max Calorie row
B) Max Calorie Bike
C) Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (24,20)
Round 1 (3:00 at each station)
Round 2 (2:00 at each station)
Round 3 (1:00 at each station)
* Rest 2 Minutes between full rounds *
“ Swamp Total “
A) 1 RM Front Squat
B) 1 RM Push Press
C) 2 Min Max Cal Row
25 Medball Squat Cleans
25 HR Push-Ups
250m Row
25 KBS
“Freedom Sauce”
21 Overhead Squats (95,65)
21 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
18 Overhead Squats (115,80)
18 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
15 Overhead Squats (135,95)
15 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
12 Overhead Squats (155,105)
12 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
** SWEAT will perform Odd Object Squats **
“ Bogus “ (All Classes)
3 Rounds of:
3 Minute Max Cal Row
2 Minute Max KBS (70,53)
1 Minute Max Burpees
* 2 Minute Rest Between Rounds *
** Score = Total reps per round **
OTM X 20
Min 1) 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 2) 50 Double Unders
Min 3) 15 Med Ball Squat Cleans
Min 4) 200m Run
A) Squat Clean
OTM x 3 = 2 Hang Squat Cleans
- Rest 1 Minute -
OTM x 3 = 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 TnG Squat Clean
- Rest 1 Minute -
OTM x 3 = 1 Squat Clean
B) “ The Ascent “
OTM x 16 ( 8 Rounds Each )
Even - 10 HR Push-Ups + 20 DU
Odd - Max Cal Row
"Belly Laugh"
5 Rounds:
1:00 – Max Front Rack Step Back Lunges (95,65)
1:00 – 50 Double-Unders
1:00 – Max Calorie Row
1:00 – Rest
*Score = Total Calories AND Total Lunges combined*
5 Mile Challenge
* Rules will be explained during class *
" Swamp Total " (9AM ONLY)
1RM Front Squat
1RM Push Press
2 Min Max Cal Row
A) Front Squat
- 5 x 7^ (Working between 60-75% of 1RM)
- Then -
B) " Teddy Ruxpin "
2 Rounds of:
3 Minute Max Cal Row
2 Minute Max HR Push-Up
1 Minute Abmat Sit-Up
* Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds *
" SWEAT " (6AM, 9AM, 6PM)
4 Rounds Of:
2:00 Max Burpees to Plate
1:30 Max Russian KBS
1:00 Max Plate Ground To Overhead
:30 Shoulder Taps
* Rest 2 Minutes Between Full Rounds *
A) Back Squat
- Establish a 5 Rep Heavy
B) " Bus Stop "
OTM x 14
Even = :50 Max Cal Row
Odd = :50 Max Medball Squat Clean (20,14)
" SWEAT " (6AM / 9AM / 6PM)
21/15 Cal Row
18 Jumping Lunges
15 Abmat Sit-Ups
12 HR Push-Ups
" Scrambled Eggs "
Teams of 2:
2 Rounds of:
2:00 Open Bar Thrusters (45,35)
:30 Rest
2:00 Max Double Unders
:30 Rest
2:00 Max Cal Row
:30 Rest
2:00 Burpees to Plate
A) With a 3:00 Clock:
21 Overhead Squats (95/65)
21 Lateral Burpees over Rower
-Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
B) With a 3:00 Clock:
18 Overhead Squats (115/80)
18 Lateral Burpees over Rower
-Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
C) With a 3:00 Clock:
15 Overhead Squats (135/95)
15 Lateral Burpees over Rower
-Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
D) With a 3:00 Clock:
12 Overhead Squats (155/105)
12 Lateral Burpees over Rower
-Max Calorie Row
*Score = Total Cals
In a 4:00 Window…
3 Rounds Of:
12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (95/65)
Time remaining, Max Calorie Row
- - Rest 4:00 - -
In a 4:00 Window…
2 Rounds Of:
12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (135/95)
Time remaining, Max Calorie Row
- - Rest 4:00 - -
In a 4:00 Window…
1 Round Of:
12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (155/105)
Time remaining, Max Calorie Row
" ! Pump Day ! "
- Swamp Total -
1 RM Front Squat
1 RM Push Press
2 Min Max Cal Row
18 Power Snatch (95/65)
18 Burpee Pull-ups
Max Calorie Row
Rest 4:00
15 Power Snatch (115/80)
15 Burpee Pull-ups
Max Calorie Row
Rest 4:00
12 Power Snatch (135/95)
12 Burpee Pull-ups
Max Calorie Row