Saturday, September 12, 2020
/“ The Tank “ (All Classes)
20 Calorie Row
20 Burpees To Plate
20 Calorie Bike
20 V-Ups
“ The Tank “ (All Classes)
20 Calorie Row
20 Burpees To Plate
20 Calorie Bike
20 V-Ups
“ Ursula “
A) OTM x 6 (:50 on / :10 off)
1) Alt Bicycle Crunches
2) Glute Bridges
3) Leg Lifts
- Rest 3 Minutes -
B) OTM x 8 (:50 on / :10 off)
1) Max Plate Hops
2) AMRAP: 4 SA DB DL + 4 SA DB Curls + 4 SA DB Shoulder To Overhead
* Alternate After Each Full Complex (12 Reps) *
- Rest 3 Minutes -
C) AMRAP 12:
12 Burpee To Plate
24 Mountain Climbers
24 Shoulder Taps
A) Back Squat
* Ascend on the 3s / Across on the 6s *
- THEN -
B) “ Blunderbuss ”
3 RFT:
100 Double Unders
25 KBS (70,53)
20 Burpees To Plate
50 Double Unders
25 Calorie Row
50 Double Unders
25 Burpees
" Scrambled Eggs "
Teams of 2:
2 Rounds of:
2:00 Open Bar Thrusters (45,35)
:30 Rest
2:00 Max Double Unders
:30 Rest
2:00 Max Cal Row
:30 Rest
2:00 Burpees to Plate