Monday, December 23, 2019
/"12 Days of Christmas"
See you there....
For Time:
150′ Walking Lunge
150′ Bear Crawl
30 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (Single DB 50/35 - Box 24/20)
100′ Walking Lunge
100′ Bear Crawl
20 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
50′ Walking Lunge
50′ Bear Crawl
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
3 Rounds of:
3 Minute Max Distance Row
2 Minute Max Burpee Box Jump Overs
1 Minute Max Step Back Lunges
* Rest 2 Minute between rounds *
18 Rounds of:
I Minute Max Meter Row
1 Minute of Rest
*Golf Scoring Will Be Explained At Class*
A) Push Jerk
- Then -
B) " Bomb Dot Com "
Shoulder To Overhead (115,85)
*50ft bear crawl between rounds*
Snatch Skill
A) 5 x 3^ Snatch Balance (Moderate)
B) 5 x 2^ OHS (Moderate)
C) 5 x 1^ Snatch (Heavy)
- Then -
" Dig Dug "
5 RFT:
10 Unbroken OHS (Athlete Choice)
100ft Bear Crawl
12 Round Tabata (:20on / :10 Rest) for each of the following:
A) Calorie Row
B) HR Push-Ups / Ring Rows
C) Calorie Row
D) V-Ups / 6" Hold
** For B & D athletes will alternate between movements for 12 rounds **
" Tip Top Tabata "
8 Rounds of :20 on / :10 Rest for each of the following
- Bear Crawls....Grrrr
- Max Meters Row
- V-Ups
- KBS (53,35)