Monday, September 28, 2020
/“ Moneyline “ (All Classes)
20 Machine Cals (Athlete Choice)
40 Double Unders
5-10-15 DB Box Step Overs (50/35 x 2, 24/20)
* * At the completion of 15 DB Step-Overs athletes will restart the next round at 5 * *
“ Moneyline “ (All Classes)
20 Machine Cals (Athlete Choice)
40 Double Unders
5-10-15 DB Box Step Overs (50/35 x 2, 24/20)
* * At the completion of 15 DB Step-Overs athletes will restart the next round at 5 * *
“ Sheriff of Nottingham “
3 Rounds for Max Reps:
1:00 Max Double Unders
1:00 Max Hang Power Snatch (75,55)
1:00 Max V-Ups
1:00 Max OH Squat
1:00 Max Machine Cals (Athletes Choice)
1:00 Rest
3 Rounds for Max Reps
1:00 Max Double Unders
1:00 Max SA DB Hang Snatch
1:00 Max V-Ups
1:00 Max OH SA DB Lunge
1:00 Max Machine Cals (Athletes Choice)
“ Stratego ”
OTM x 24:
Minute 1: 3 Back Squats
Minute 2: 3 Wall Walks
Minute 3: 15/12 Machine Cals
Minute 4: Rest
* Back Squats can ascend across the 6 rounds
OTM x 24 (:50 of work / :10 Rest)
Minute 1: Max Machine Cals
Minute 2: Max DB Complex
Minute 3: Weighted Sit-Up (14/10)
Minute 4: Rest* DB Complex = 1 DB Push-Up + 2 DB Rows (R/L) *
A) “Double Zero” (All Classes)
15/12 Machine Cals (Athletes Choice)
30 Russian KBS (70/53)
60 Double Unders
- THEN -
B) Midline (:40 of work / :20 of Rest)
OTM x 12
1) Side Plank Left
2) Shoulder Taps
3) Side Plank Right
4) 6” Hold
A) Overhead Squat
Establish a heavy 3 for the day
- Then -
B) “Power Bar”
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15/12 Machine Cals (Athletes Choice)
9 Overhead Squats (95,65)
For Total Distance:
5:00 Max Distance
- Rest 3:00
4:00 Max Distance
- Rest 2:00
3:00 Max Distance
- Rest 1:00
2:00 Max Distance
- Rest :30
1:00 Max Distance
* Athletes may choose any machine to complete max distance *
“Pump It Up” (All Classes)
3 Rounds:
5 Strict Handstand Pushups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Double Dumbbell Strict Presses
10 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (Each Arm)
70/50 Machine Cals
3 Rounds:
5 Strict Handstand Pushups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Double Dumbbell Strict Presses
10 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (Each Arm)
“ Panic At The Disco ” (All Classes)
200m Run
5 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 SA DB Clean and Jerks (10 Right / 10 Left) (50,35)
200m Run
20 Machine Cals (Athletes Choice)