Saturday, September 1, 2018

Juliet Valerie Robichaud is Brandon and Kate Cali's 2 year old niece, who's life was drastically changed when she was recently diagnosed with AML Leukemia.  Although we cannot take away the stress and pain that comes with this diagnosis we can help in other ways.  Saturday's 9AM workout will be a fundraiser workout for Juliet and her family.  If you are interested in donating but cannot make it to class you can contact Mike or Paddy OR you can donate via the link below.... Lets have a strong showing for this amazingly strong young girl   #TeamJuliet

With A 30:00 Running Clock In Teams of 3...

A) "Juliet "
From 0 - 10:00
800m Run
* Max muscle-ups in remaining time *
 - Directly Into -
B)  " Valerie "
From 10:00 - 20:00
1500m Row
* Max Strict HSPU in remaining time *
   - Directly Into -
C) " Robichaud "
From 20:00 - 30:00
100 Bar Facing Burpees
* Max Clusters (115,85) in remaining time *