Committed Club - October 2016
/Congratulations to our Committed Club for October 2016. This club is designated for folks that attended 15+ classes in the month. 12 straight months in the Committed Club and you become a member of the elite Swamp Kettlebell Club. This month we had a new athlete join this prestigious group, and that is Robbie Barreda. Robbie, a Nahant Firefigher, has been with us since December 2013 and has been a mainstay at The Swamp. Physically and mentally he has undergone a major transformation since joining this community, and just a few months ago when he hurt his wrist he literally refused to allow that injury to derail his commitment to being part of the Kettlebell Club. Most people would have taken the easy way out and just shut it down, and come back when it was healed. Robbie refused to do that, which forced us to get creative and modify movements to allow him to stay fit. We kept him moving, we kept him part of the community, and as a result he maintained a level of fitness that kept him healthy and happy. We are very proud of you Robbie. We have come a long way together, man! Keep up the great work!
Committed Club - October 2016
Gregory D'Antona 22
Marc Carbone 22
Todd Longin 21
Elysia Sanchez 20
Nick Markos 20
Jennifer Lento 19
Jennifer Riggieri 19
Jimmy Nguyen 19
Beverly Sharrio 18
Colleen Sachar 18
Melissa Baran 18
Michael Kramer 18
Roberto Miranda 18
Stephen Lento 18
Tyler Howrigan 18
Vanessa Campbell 18
Alex Quinton 17
Brandon Cali 17
Joe Bennett 17
Joel McNamee 17
Paul Grassie 17
Val Grimes 17
Brendan Finnegan 16
Chuck Sinclair 16
Danny Blake 16
Marcelo Filho 16
Mimi Adams 16
Patty Johnson 16
Samantha Roy 16
Aliza Friedman 15
Anne Moore 15
Brendan Nolan 15
Daveth Cheth 15
Elias Demakes 15
Gleidilene De Souza Rocha 15
Gordon Henriksen 15
Heather Bush 15
Jenna Dudevoir 15
Joanne Blake 15
Joe Barber 15
Judy Cassidy 15
Justin Desalvo 15
Lainey Muller 15
Libby Spath 15
Magen Schaiberger 15
Raquel Montenario 15
Rob Barreda 15
Wes Pierce 15
Yanira Pizarro 15