Thursday, February 7, 2019
/“ Brainiac ”
On the 3:00 x 5 Rounds:
20 Plate Hops
15 Jumping Lunges
5 Deadlifts
* Increase deadlift weight each round *
OTM X 18 (:50 on / :10 off)
A) Plate Hops
B) Jumping Lunges
C) Cal Row
“ Brainiac ”
On the 3:00 x 5 Rounds:
20 Plate Hops
15 Jumping Lunges
5 Deadlifts
* Increase deadlift weight each round *
OTM X 18 (:50 on / :10 off)
A) Plate Hops
B) Jumping Lunges
C) Cal Row