Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

“ Drakes Cakes “
5 Rounds of:
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
5 Squat Clean Thrusters (165,115)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
* Rest 2:00 Between Rounds
* * SWEAT will Substitute Devils Press *

At Home Fitness
” Deck - O - Cards ”
Spades = Push-Ups
Clubs = Abmat Sit-Ups
Diamonds = Air Squats
Hearts = Shoulder Taps ( L+R = 1 )
Aces = :60 Six Inch Hold

SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL! The workout starts by flipping a card and performing the number of reps of each movement represented by the suit…for example a 3 of hearts would be 3 shoulder taps ( L + R = 1 ). If you do not have a deck of cards you can use an online generator, link below, or simply complete 5 Rounds of 1:00 Max reps rotating through each movement including a rest minute. The workout is complete when you have gone through all 52 cards in the deck.

- - > Deck Of Card Generator < - -

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