Thursday, November 15, 2018
/“ Death By Front Squat / Burpee “
OTM x 15 Min
Min 1 = 1 Front Squat + 1 Bar Over Burpee
Min 2 = 2 Front Squat + 2 Bar Over Burpee
Min 3 = 3 Front Squat + 3 Bar Over Burpee
Min 4 = 4 Front Squat + 3 Bar Over Burpee…
RX = 135,95
* Continue To add 1 Rep to each movement until you cannot finish within the minute *
3 Rounds:
Max HR Push-Ups
Max Russian KBS
Max Step-Ups (Weighted)
Plate To Overhead
- Round 1 = 2:00
- Round 2 = 1:30
- Round 3 = 1:00